
Career Analysis

Every building has foundations to stand upon, without which the building will not be able to deal with challenges of survival and development. Analyzing jobs is the main foundation for dealing with human beings in all interventions of working with them, whether through interventions of human resources department or human capital department.

Human resources needs to know its main duties. It also needs to prepare the most appropriate work environment and main requirements to do these duties. While human capital analyzes, assesses organization’s current inventory of knowledge, experiences, skills and competencies and seeks to raise its value to its highest standard score in a way that leads human capital to reach its highest value in organization.

Therefore, O.D. House focuses on analyzing jobs as it represents the main foundation for preparing job description which determines duties of each job, and job specification which determines main requirements of each job.

O.D. House analyzes jobs through collecting all information affecting jobs such as actual and standard activities, tools and equipment required for doing jobs, performance standards required for doing jobs, work environment where jobs are done, main information required for doing jobs, behaviors required for doing jobs, skills and competencies required for doing jobs.

O.D. House is interested in analyzing jobs as it is the main determinant for describing every employee’s duties and tasks, assessing staff performance, measuring the gap between current and standard staff competencies, identifying training gap. It is also the main basis for determining every organization’s inventory of skills  and competencies and the main determinant of jobs’ main requirements, which are the standard for selecting from job applicants.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the OD-House office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

What we offer ?
  • Organizational Values Assessment.
  • Leaders’ Values Assessment.
  • Group Values Assessment.
  • Individual value assessment.
  • The Shared Organizational Values Assessment.

The competitive advantage of O.D. House:

Regarding analyzing jobs, O.D. House has knowledge library – experiences, practical and scientific skills – which helps to deal with all companies and organizations, whether productive or service providing, small or large, in a way that helps benefit from job analysis and achieves best results represented in accurate standard job description consistent with current work environment,  job description consistent with current and future challenges faced by organizations, preparing a complete infrastructure for human capital system in the optimal way depending on organization’s inventory of skills and competences.

Let’s develop:

To request analyzing jobs service for the following departments:

Human Resources – Finance – Purchasing – Inventory –Marketing – Customer Service – Reception – Hotel Services – Banking Services – Development & Quality – Educational Services –Senior Management – Executive Management – Middle Management – Direct Management
