Pyramid of figures on wooden blocks with the hands of businessmen reaching out to touch four of them in a teamwork and human resources concept.

Organizational Design

O.D. House doesn’t only deal with the organizational problems or apparent symptoms but it also seeks to resolve problems from the root through an integrated intervention model which helps to achieve the expected organizational health.

O.D. House provides a business model through which organizations can develop and achieve economic value added resulting from change process.

O.D. House follows up its partners during application of change programs to ensure that they improved performance, built competencies, achieved strategic goals of organization and also achieved economic value added and a comparative and competitive advantage compared to other organizations.

  • Organizational structures.
  • Authority matrix.
  • Policies, procedures & models.
  • Key performance indicators and control systems.
How can we help you?

Contact us at the OD-House office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

What we offer ?
  • Organizational Values Assessment.
  • Leaders’ Values Assessment.
  • Group Values Assessment.
  • Individual value assessment.
  • The Shared Organizational Values Assessment.