
Organizational Structure

Organizational structures used affect are affected by many strategic decisions such as decisions of merging, acquisition, restructuring labor force and Reorganization programs. O.D. House supports strategic decisions of its partners by permanently  ensuring that organization structure complies with and supports its strategies and represents the organization’s real structure and that organizational maps provide the biggest amount of accurate and true information as a framework for change.

What does O.D. House offer through the forming/ organizational restructuring?

  • Selecting the strategic alternative for a more efficient structuring and more harmonious for work environment and activities in the organization.
  • Taking advantage of strengths and dealing with weaknesses at each type of current and expected structures.
  • Achieving large abundances  in terms of alternative opportunity costs  and general operational expenses.
  • Providing up to date  and accurate information about the organization, its departments, human resources and methods of organization.
  • Identifying the relations between employees efficiently and accurately through organizational maps.
How can we help you?

Contact us at the OD-House office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

What we offer ?
  • Organizational Values Assessment.
  • Leaders’ Values Assessment.
  • Group Values Assessment.
  • Individual value assessment.
  • The Shared Organizational Values Assessment.

The competitive advantage of O.D House:

O.D. House has cumulative experiences in restructuring organizations in addition to studying the scientific alternatives which are most modern and most capable of redesigning organizational structures in a way that helps benefit from the positive effect of restructuring and drop the cost of weak structures which raises the double performance level with simple interventions.

O.D. House finds the ideal scientific combination of intervention methods for managing change from old organizational structures to new structuring without  negative effects on work environment and performance of individuals, groups and organization.
